Tuesday 3 March 2020

Justin Timberlake Has An Important Question About Girl Scout Cookies: Samoas or Thin Mints?

Justin Timberlake went there. No, he really went there. The former NSYNC leader sparked a violent debate on social media this weekend when he asked his followers to choose the Best Girl Scout: Samoas or Thin Mints cookie? JT tested both distinct flavors in the room before evaluating its own vote. "Samoa, I mean, I love coconuts," said the pop star. "Samoa is my best advice!"
Justin then challenged his Instagram followers to share his "food for thought" by double-clicking on double Samoas (loves to eat two at a time) or commenting on Thin Mints. The post received over 675,000 likes and 18,000 comments at the time of this article's publication. You might think this indicates that Samoa was the clear winner. However, the results are not entirely scientific. Some fans skipped comments to express support for cookies that were excluded from the questionnaire consisting of two questions, such as Short Bread or S'mores. Among the celebrities who took part in the comments was professional golfer Kevin Na, who said: "Mint FTW!" R&B singer Miguel sparked the bet by announcing his love of Frozen Mint "all day brother".

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