Wednesday 20 August 2014

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake’s Baby Plans: Seeing Fertility Experts?

It's no secret that Jessica Biel has been trying to get pregnant, but she's having trouble doing? A new report suggests that the wife of Justin Timberlake has been seeing a fertility specialist.

Jessica Biel, 32, is dying to be a mom. Justin Timberlake, 33, and his wife would make beautiful children, despite their busy schedules. However, after being married for two years, the couple is discussing the reports; see a fertility specialist to help speed up the process of getting pregnant with her first child.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: Seeing Fertility Experts?

Who would not love to see Jessica and Justin have a baby together?

In fact, I often find myself wondering how these two wonderful people could married for two years now and not have a baby now! But, of course, I know that both are very busy - especially Justin with his world tour.

Well, there may be an explanation for the delay in Bielberlake babies: the couple is having trouble getting pregnant, issue OK magazine report on August 11.

"They have been trying to conceive for a couple of months, and she told Justin she goes to see a fertility specialist, a" source close to the couple told the magazine. "She has no problem with technology, if that's what it takes to have a baby and stick out the marriage."

The same source said the couple often plans "romantic date nights" of the entire cycle of Jessica in hopes of improving their chances of conceiving.

Hopefully these two lucky strike a match sometime soon! We cannot wait to see the tenderness genetic created.

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