Monday 5 May 2014

Michael Jackson Convinced Justin Timberlake To Go Solo

Justin Timberlake did not even think about going solo until he spoke with Michael Jackson.

The 33-year- old singer was part of the boy band 'N Sync for seven years before launching his first independent album Justified in 2002.

Justin Michael wrote a song for years, but 'N Sync uses the track in place, which led to an interesting conversation with the King of Pop musician’s career changed forever.

"It was one of those songs where it felt a little more personal for me because I had written for the greatest artist of all time,” Justin recalled in an upcoming episode of Oprah's Master Class.

"I think Michael heard it, and phoned me and said he wanted to cut the record, but he wanted it to be a duet between him and I said, 'Well, you're out, we’ve already cut the song as a ' N Sync record ...

we could do, like, a ' N Sync with Michael Jackson or Michael Jackson with 'N Sync? And he was very absolute about the fact that he wanted it to be a duet between him and me "

The star says he never really entertained thoughts of becoming a solo artist before talking with Michael.

“I think it's the first idea I've managed to do something on my own, because it was the first time I really felt the confidence to do it," said Justin.

The '20 / 20 Experience singer went on to sell millions of records worldwide as a solo artist.

Full interview Oprah Master Class Justin will air on OWN network in the U.S. later this month.

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